How GPS Trackers can Help LPG Cylinder Agencies to Streamline Delivery and Make Better Revenue

How GPS Trackers can Help LPG Cylinder Agencies to Streamline Delivery and Make Better Revenue

India is a large country with more than 140 crores of people. As a result there are more than 32 crores of domestic LPG cylinder connections in the country and the number of commercial LPG connections is increasing everyday. With such a huge demand and the network of LPG cylinder agencies in India is astonishing. In spite of the presence of such a high number of agencies, the average customer still faces many delays and troubles as the cylinders don’t reach them in time. This directly has an impact on the business of these gas agencies.

If you are someone owning such an agency, then you need to streamline your business to get the best out of your business while serving the people around you. This is possible by efficient management of your delivery schedule and delivery vehicles. At Fleet Track we help you to do all these with our state of the art GPS devices and GPS tracking technology.

Inefficiencies in Delivery Process

When it comes to gas cylinder deliveries, the biggest trouble that customers face is the timely delivery of the cylinder. While it doesn’t directly affect the business, it could lead to many customer complaints and cause friction in the day to day operations. Some of the most common reasons why delivery process gets delayed are

  • Lethargic attitude of delivery personnel.
  • Diverting deliveries to different customers and locations.
  • Accidents or minor delays caused by traffic congestion.
  • Inability of the drivers to find the route or delivery location.

When you use GPS trackers for trucks, you can minimise such situations and enable a smooth delivery experience for your customers. Since the GPS device continuously tracks the location of your delivery truck, you can find out if the drivers are just delaying the delivery wilfully or are genuinely stuck somewhere. Similarly rerouting and diverting of deliveries happen frequently when the drivers are paid by the customers. This could delay the delivery to previously booked customers. You can use the GPS software to find out the entire delivery route and enable geo-fencing options to get alerts if the driver deviates from the approved route.

Similarly, when the truck is stuck in traffic you can intimate the same to the customers and defuse the tension.

Ensure Timely Delivery by Constant Monitoring of Delivery Vehicles

If you have multiple delivery vehicles there is a need to manage all these vehicles at the same time. With FleetTrack white label GPS software, you can do this from your desk. The software is a powerful and versatile solution that allows you to track multiple GPS devices. You can install these tiny tracker devices in your trucks and monitor them continuously.

With advanced features such as location history and route maps, you can analyse the usage of each and every vehicle clearly. Again this will be helpful to minimise the misuse of the trucks for the personal errands of the drivers or other staff.

Avoid Theft and Quickly Recover Your Delivery Truck

When you install the GPS software you will get the real-time location of your trucks. This will help you to enhance the safety and security of your fleet of vehicles. You can enable anti-theft alarms and notifications that intimate you of the unauthorised usage of the delivery trucks. Even if you are not able to stop the theft, you can immediately alert the police officials and retrieve the trucks at the earliest using the location coordinates from the GPS device.

You need not worry about the price of the white label GPS software as you need to pay only for the number of vehicles that you track. This pay as you use model makes it the ideal solution for all delivery businesses.

Streamline Operations and Enhance Profits

LPG cylinder agencies work on a fixed rate of commission for each of the cylinders delivered to the customers. So, efficient operation leads to more deliveries and hence better profits. With the FleetTrack white label GPS software, you can manage all the day to day logistics from a single window. You can find the exact location of each delivery person and expedite the delivery process. If there are any complaints from your customers, you can immediately contact the delivery person or find out their location to decide on the further course of action. For a demo of the white label GPS software, contact us today.

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