Precautions to Take When You Operate a Bike Taxi

Precautions to Take When You Operate a Bike Taxi

Are you someone who is operating a bike taxi in a city? Bike taxis are becoming the most preferred way for the millennials and Gen-Z to commute within the city. Since it takes a longer time for car taxis and cabs to navigate the city traffic, people have started shifting to the bike taxis. At the same time, operating a bike taxi has become as one of the most preferred ways for college goers and youth to earn some money in their free time. The entry barrier to this is much smaller and hence many people start operating this now. However, there are a few important precautions like wearing a helmet to getting an insurance to installing a GPS tracker that you have to take before starting this. 

Don’t Take Personal Rides with Your Clients

Most common practice of even professional drivers in this ride hailing economy is that people cancel the ride on their service provider app and instead share their phone numbers to hail bike taxis. There are multiple disadvantages in this practice. 

Firstly, you will not be getting the ratings from the people who have booked and it will reduce your future chances of getting new rides. This has an immediate economic impact. 

Secondly, you might not get paid correctly and you can’t approach anyone for conflict resolution. This is something that most people ignore as they don’t foresee the problem.

Thirdly, and most importantly you could also face security problems in such rides and you will find it hard to get immediate assistance. 

Ensure you have a Comprehensive Insurance of Bike

Since, anyone with a bike can start their bike taxi business, most people don’t follow the basic things like getting the right insurance. Riding during peak hours can be challenging and even dangerous to many people. So, you need to ensure that you have the right insurance for your bike. 

It should be a comprehensive insurance that covers damages to your bike and also provide medical assistance to you and your pillion rider. This way, you will protect yourself from unnecessary spending in the future. Also, it is to be noted that it is a punishable offence to use uninsured vehicle on the road. 

Always Wear Helmets and Ask Your Pillion Riders to Wear Helmet

Wearing helmets might seem like the most basic one when riding a bike but many riders don’t follow this rule strictly. Particularly among the GenZ and youth, there is a common apprehension and this could turn fatal. True that helmets might impede your visibility in crowded cities but the benefits of wearing a helmet grossly outweighs the troubles. 

Similarly carry an additional helmet for your pillion riders and ensure that they wear it compulsorily. It could not only save the lives but also prevent you from getting into legal troubles.

Install a GPS Tracker for Your Bike and Keep it Safe

Whether you own a new bike or a costly one, always install a GPS tracker for you bike. This way, you will be able to continuously track and monitor the position of your bike. Bike theft in crowded cities is more common than you think. Most cities have a network of thieves who will completely dismantle and sell the spare parts of your bike within 24 hours. So, you won’t have any lead time for the police authorities to search and find your bike. When you install a GPS tracker for bike, it is easy to find the current position of your bike immediately. 

It is recommended that you install a GPS tracker with battery. This way, even if the bike thief cuts the battery power of the bike, you will still be able to track the bike from remote. At FleetTrack we have the most advanced trackers for your bike that comes with 12 months subscription. So, you need not worry about the safety of your bike.

Analyse the Usage Over a Period of Time & Optimise

Another interesting advantage of installing a GPS tracker is that you will have a large amount of data recorded in the server. Using this you can find the total number of trips that you have taken over a period of time. So, you can optimise your travel routes and bookings in the locality that you get the most rides. This helps you to enhance your earning through bike rides.

You can also use this information to analyse how much wear and tear your bike has experienced. So, you can do a preventive maintenance and change the parts that might get worn out.

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