How Schools can Provide Real-time Location Updates of School Buses with White Labelling GPS Software

How Schools can Provide Real-time Location Updates of School Buses with White Labelling GPS Software

Schools around the world spend millions of dollars to ensure the safety of children inside and outside schools. Safety of students within a school is ensured by a number of factors such as closed circuit televisions,  security personnel and other preventive measures. However, the safety of students during their transport to and from school is still largely left to trust alone. With advancements in information and technology schools are slowly finding new ways to maintain the safety of children during transport too. What if there is a way for schools to track the live location of children in real-time and update the parents to see the same?

By installing GPS trackers for vehicles, schools can track the position of the vehicles in real-time. Incidentally there are many other benefits of using a GPS tracker. Oftentimes, schools have a large fleet of school buses and other vehicles transporting children to their homes. In case of any issues, school staff can monitor the live location from their end and contact drivers and caretakers in the buses. With a white label GPS software schools provide access to this information for the parents too.

Provide Real Time Location Status of Buses to Parents

Children face a huge threat of kidnapping when they are waiting for the school buses or when they are returning home. This delay happens as parents don’t know the location of the school vehicles.

By using the white label GPS software, you can provide the real time location of your school vehicles to the parents. This keeps them informed of the live location and they can plan their works accordingly. 

You can customise the app to suit the branding of your school and provide access to the apps either for free or charge the parents a fee for this facility. Even if you already have an existing mobile app for your school, you can integrate this fleet tracking feature using API integration options. This ensures better safety of children during their daily commute.

Get 3 Months Route History of Buses

The GPS software saves the route history of your vehicles for a period of up to 3 months on the cloud. This data is safely stored on the cloud server and is secured with safety protocols to ensure anonymity and security. You can use this data to optimise the routes for your school buses and minimise wastage of fuel. You can also review the routes on specific days to analyse any past events and provide crucial information for subsequent investigations.

Ensure Better Operations with 12 Month Analytics

Apart from the GPS tracker on the vehicles, the software can also collect information from OBD CAN sensors to vital information about the vehicle such as speed of the vehicles, engine condition, fuel levels, odometer and other details. When charted over a period of 12 months, you can use this data to get an eagle’s eye view of the fleet. 

With graphical representation of this data, you can analyse the usage, wear and tear over a period of time and incentivise the drivers to drive safely and with care. Similarly, this data can also be used to penalise any rash driving or overspeeding. You can minimise the wastage of fuel by finding the duration of idling in traffic or during stoppages. The data can be used to optimise the operation of your fleet and minimise the expenses.

Provide a World-class Transport Facility

Our GPS tracking software does more than just monitoring the location of your fleet. It comes with a plethora of features like safe parking alarm, geofencing, custom alerts, etc. 

Safe parking alarm alerts the school management of any unauthorised movement or usage of the school vehicles. Similarly, if the vehicles are moved beyond the area of operation, you can choose to immobilise it.Custom alerts can provide real-time alerts when the buses go out of the daily route or during cases of overspeeding, etc. 

With all these features, the white label GPS software enables you to provide a world-class transport facility to your school children.

The best part of using the software is that you can pay per vehicle that you want to track. Similarly, the software is priced based on the number of licences. So, you can transfer the licence of the software to the parents when they pay you.

Book a consultation with us to understand more about the GPS software. It can help you to provide the best transport facilities for your school children at the most economical price.

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